Application :

Filter aid for dewatering sewage and industrial sludge.

Suitable for :

Press filters, belt filters as a thickening additive.
Rotary vacuum filters, precoat filters as a filter medium.
Cartridge filters for cooling oils

This filter aid offers numerous assets :

- Increase in dryness of 5 to 15 points according to the type of sludges and the equipment performances.
The slude holds better to the filter.
Higher efficiency of the flocculant.

ECOFILTER® highly contributes towards improving the use and the productivity of your equipment.

ECOFILTER® is 100 % vegetal
And is ideal in the view of waste disposal.

- For agricultural spreading, the ECOFILTER®, completely neutral and biodegradable, remains in harmony with the environment.
- For incineration, its vegeta
l nature offers a heat capacity much higher than lime.
Thanks to its organics structure ECOFILTER® also helps reduce the quantity of ash after incineration.


- To reduce the volume and density of your waste.
- To obtain higher efficiency in your treatments.

Please contact
us for more details.


SoWood, votre usine SPPS
10, avenue des Verriers 02 600 Villers Cotterêts
Tél: 06 52 70 41 57 - mail: