· Filtration of lightly laden industrial and agribusiness effluents / rinsing and cleaning water / sewage and sludges. · Dewatering of biological or settling sludge / refinery oils / mining and steel industry sludge. |
Cross-section of the rotary vacuum filter :
vacuum is created inside the drum which spins around. Thus, in the
submerged part of the drum, a quantity of water and suspended matter
is sucked onto the screen.
- Easy use of the ECOFILTER® pre-coating - Reduction in consumption of filter aid (up to 50% compared with standard additives). - Decrease in the volume of waste. - Higher dryness values of filter cakes. - Good performance in removing colour, chrome, etc. - Reducing SS, COD and BOD. |
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10, avenue des Verriers 02 600 Villers Cotterêts Tél: 06 52 70 41 57 - mail: |